Sentimental New Pop
translation: eurydike (reposted with permission from merry_fans)
With an acrobatic handstand I bid this rotten society goodbye
Waving at the swirl of bystanders I bid this broken future goodbye
The tone captured between composure and enthusiasm doesn’t come out Let’s start with the private lesson then
Amidst the sweet scenting fragrance I found you the world’s panorama to be seen from inside the Ferris wheel
Faraway walking alone dreaming of eternity...
Tonight I might spend dancing new poppish step-jumps
And we might sleep together in the Ferris wheel...
Faraway walking alone dreaming of eternity...
Look, you lead to me having irritatingly affected light dreams...
The lacking moon has us gently wrap each other In a night like this we may become sentimental
Holding each other close we might sleep deeply, deeply, deeply...