translation: eurydike, with additional help from netsaebr, akibare, and wendera from nihon (reposted with permission from merry_fans)
The blank space becomes obvious if your sleep is bad, waking up is unpleasant as well
That’s why I become a child lost in this unprecedented* maze again tonight...
The sky cries at my lonesome figure** calling upon the theory of happiness...
Won’t you shower in this sad grief in the bathroom with me?
Red strangers yellow strangers blue strangers*** all the people you don’t know are strangers
Nothing more, nothing less "I have known that for a while!"
In the cracks of the concrete casually soft magic
Won’t you drown in a romantic dream in the bathroom with me?
Holding (each other) order to forget...
Please hold me close...until the night dawns...
Luck and sorrow always appear and disappear on one layer of paper****
Expanded wings, pointing at the asphalt come won’t you fly with me?
Holding (each other) order to forget...
Please hold me close...fictional dream...
When I can make it to fly through this sky...
(Holding (each other) close)
Please hold me close...wrapping me gently...
*"空前絶後"/"kuuzenzetsugo" stands for something marvellous or horrid that has never been seen/never been there before
**It just says "一人"/"hitori"/"alone" here, but I felt like writing it that way in order to make the picture even more depressing (^.~)
***As akibare let me know, "赤の他人" is a common expression meaning "a complete stranger". So, again, Gara is playing with words here, adding more colours.
****I guess this is supposed to point out the inseparability of luck and misfortune.